Health and Disease Prevention
Many in the poverty-ridden and developing countries do not have access to even basic health services to talk of quality medical care. The people most affected are those living in rural areas and the hinterland. FFH is committed to working for providing at least basic health services, especially to those who are not able to or do not have access to proper health care.
We are working to:
• Build a network of small but well-equipped hospitals/basic health units in remote areas
• Encourage and support locals’ participation in running of these health centers.
• Provide ambulances for swift transportation of serious patients to bigger hospitals
• Ensure provision of medicines and equipment
• Provide proper health care to mother and new born.
• Ensure proper vaccination for communicable and non communicable diseases.
• Use modern technology like tele-medicine to ensure outreach to far flung areas.
• Conduct regular capacity building programs for employees.
• Ensure sustainability and gradual increase in provision of facilities.
• Develop detection, identification, mitigation and management tools for constant monitoring and future planning.
• Support provision of essential health services in emergencies and disaster struck areas.
• Undertake educational and awareness programs for personal hygiene and clean environment.
• Promote sporting activities.