Counter Criminality, Extremism, Terrorism

Many people, especially the youth, coming from poverty-ridden or marginalized communities, because of lack of opportunities or even in order to meet their living expenses, tend to lean towards taking up unlawful activities. FFH works to provide opportunities to such persons to vent their energies in sporting and cultural activities and also for acquiring education, skills training, or seeking self-employment.
FFH works in cooperation with local organizations and institutions to eradicate crime, extremism, and terrorism from the society. It is our belief that tolerance, respect for others’ faith and opinion, and observance of law are of the utmost importance if societies want to develop economically, socially, and spiritually.
We provide financial and technical support for:
• Organization of conferences, seminars and workshops
• Engaging youth in sports and cultural/social activities.
• Imparting education, skills training and self employment.
• Law enforcement including capacity building of counter terror forces, local police, customs officials and coast guards
• Creation of model precinct.
• Rehabilitation, integration, and inclusion of criminals once freed from prison.